Sunday, May 12, 2024

Trader Joes, 9 am Sunday morning

 It's Sunday. I went to Trader Joes early thinking I'd beat the rush. It was packed. There were people and bouquets of flowers everywhere. I stood at the entrance to the store wondering what was going on. Why was it so busy early on a Sunday morning?

Then it dawned on me. It's Mother's Day. I'd completely forgotten. I'm not a mom and my Mom died last August, so I'd pushed the date out of my mind. I wasn't feeling happy or like celebrating.

But there were the crowds of people rushing about at the last minute getting flowers for their mothers. I felt sad. Gray like the weather outside. This is my first Mother's Day without my Mom. I hadn't wanted to think about that, but with the chaotic scene at Trader Joes, I was reminded to think about it.

Though I'm not celebrating with my Mom, I'm remembering her today. honoring her memory. I love you Mom. And I miss you.

Thinking of all those without their mothers today. And of all who are not mothers. Sending love and comfort to all of you. And to all the moms, have a Happy Mother's Day, however you are celebrating.


  1. Muy tierno y entrañable, Audrey. Un abrazo desde España. Salud.

    1. Julio! Que alegrîa descubrir tu comentario! Muchîsimas gracias! Un abrazo para ti desde California. Salud.
