Friday, February 28, 2025



It's very important these days, to do whatever you can to get back to balance when thrown off-balance. We want to be clear-minded, centered and grounded so we are able to see what' really happening in our country (USA) and do what we can to fight back and stop it - the chaos, the madness and the dismantling of our government and democracy. Keep your eyes open and forge ahead.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Reaching out




I OBJECT! I object to everything being done to our Country (USA) and to the people in it by the current administration. It's a travesty! Some of it is against the law. Some of it is outright cruel and inhumane. To say I'm angry would be an understatement.

I've contacted my Senators and Congressional Representatives and I hope to God they take strong action. No waiting for the  midterms in two years. Take action NOW!

Dare to speak out!